Friday, June 24, 2005

VANF News!

Hey Hey The Gang’s All Here -- The VANF Gang That Is!

Helping You Achieve Success with Your Virtual Assistant Business

Vancouver, Canada. June 20, 2005. As more and more people are walking away from the drone of the nine to five day and fulfilling their dream of starting a home-based business, the search continues for the right opportunity and the right place to find the information necessary to start that business. Finally, we’ve found that opportunity and the place to find the information necessary to start that business. The business—Virtual Assisting, the Place—The VANF Forum, better known as “The Global Meeting Place for Aspiring and Successful VAs.”

What’s a Virtual Assistant? By definition, a Virtual Assistant or VA, is a highly skilled professional who provides administrative support and other specialized services to businesses, entrepreneurs, executives, authors, real estate or sales professionals and others who have more work to do than time to do it. Many VA's also provide web development and Internet marketing, meeting and event planning, desktop publishing, word processing, book marketing and business start-up consultations. The services are endless, depending upon the VA’s knowledge, skills and creativity. Plus, the VA’s workload continues to increase as businesses fully realize the benefits of having VAs assist in making their offices run smoother. Ask many VAs and they will acknowledge that they can barely keep up with their client demands and often have to subcontract the work out. Also, as the workload increases so does the rate of pay. Most VAs today can expect to earn between $35 to $100/hr.

But wanting to start a business and being successful at it are two different things. How often do you hear, “I tried working at home, but it didn’t work out.” Or, “They are all SCAMS!” Well, stop by the VANF forum on any given day and you’ll discover a totally different scenario. You’ll see thriving businesses and success stories in every corner. You’ll see confident professionals helping others learn the ins and outs of starting a Virtual Assistant business and you’ll see something very unique to the Virtual Assistant Industry, “The willingness to share.” Unlike other competitive businesses, VAs are always eager to help one another knowing that there’s plenty of work to go around. As one of the founding moderators, Naomi Skarzinksi, states, “The wonderful thing about the VA industry is thus far, we are not highly competitive. We want to see each other succeed and are eager to help make it happen for others.”

Tawnya Sutherland, Founder of the VANF forum and Author of the VAS - Virtual Assistant Start-Up System, has successfully inspired all on the forum by her continued success and motivation. Her Internet Marketing VA Business, Mediamage Business Solutions, is thriving and she’s always willing to share her online marketing secrets and VA tips to others. In addition to the support and guidance she offers on the forum, she also authored a new book and business system for VAs entitled - VAS - Virtual Assistant Start-Up System. This System comes complete with an excellent resource guide authored by Sutherland, books by Industry leaders such as Diana Ennen, Kelly Poelker, Michelle Jamison and Jill Whalen, as well as a complete business plan, 125 templates, forms and legalese samples for starting a business and so much more. Plus, it offers the one thing that’s rarely offered in any business kit, but an absolute necessity in operating a business, all the essentials for starting a website including a template, domain name registration, hosting, etc.

If you’re ready to start your VA business and want the tools to do it with and the strength of a global community of VA professionals at your side, then stop by VANF today.
Don’t delay -- The Gang’s Waiting!!

Who Says You're Not a Writer?

The other day, a client told me, “I’ve been talking to a lot of other aspiring writers and I can’t believe how unsupportive they are. I had an editor interested in something I’d written and two other writers were unbelievably negative. One said my writing wasn’t good enough for publication. Another told me that this particular magazine never publishes new writers. I was so depressed after I heard these remarks that I haven’t had the heart to send the editor anything.”

The need for support and affirmation can squeeze the joy and life from writing. It can paralyze us. We agonize over the opinions of others. Caught between the insatiable desire to write and the terror of failure, we require validation the way a hungry child cries for milk. I find this ironic since the act of writing is almost always a solitary passion..

Even if we write for our own pleasure, we cannot escape the feeling that we are doing something slightly illicit or at the very least, unworthy of praise. The paradox for those who want to sell, is that we have little choice. We cannot both keep our work to ourselves and publish it. Yet in deciding to make the attempt, we must face the tiger. Sometimes the tiger is an editor with venom in her veins. Other times, it’s a friend who, in the most loving this-is-for-your-own-good tone, assures us that we are bound to fail. (It is the pleasure we sense in her voice that is most disquieting.) It can be a fellow writer who feels better about his own work when he claims power over ours. The tiger can be anyone who has an agenda that even unintentionally or subconsciously, collides with our own.

Exposing our words to an editor (or to anyone else for that matter), brings us back to childhood when all-powerful teachers brazenly defaced papers with blood red marks, leaving our carefully crafted sentences in ruins (and us in tears). Even now that we are older, our stories remain our children. And if our children are taunted or attacked, we are naturally overwhelmed with rage and defensiveness. But the reality is that our stories are not our children. They are only words. They do not give us value. Neither should our self worth or belief in our abilities be colored so absolutely or our hearts be broken, by others’ response to them.

Admittedly not everyone who aspires to be a published writer can shape words into clear, inviting prose. Personally, I believe that writing is not brain surgery and that most people with the desire can be taught to write passably well. Take a look at the vast majority of articles and books published today and you will see that being a writer on the level of Hemmingway or Dostoyevsky isn’t required. What is required is to learn your craft, to put in hours, perhaps years, soaking up the essentials so that the best in you emerges. Then you might want to armor your heart against the cold reality that faces every aspiring writer: The world is not awaiting your words.

One of the truths that many of us find it difficult to accept is that we create our own reality. Words are only words. We attach meaning to them depending on who we are and how we are in our lives. The words “You can write,” might fire us to great heights as they did Erma Bombeck. The very same words could feel like ridicule to those who can only see the worst in themselves.
If we depend on others’ opinions to fuel our desires, to keep us going through the storms, to believe in dreams, we may find ourselves mired in despair. But if we believe our inner voice, if we are lit by a purpose that springs from somewhere deeper than words, then it does not matter what others say. We simply know that we were meant to write as surely as we were meant to breathe. “You are,” we can safely and confidently say to the pessimistic friend, “entitled to your own opinion.”

So ask yourself, in the deepest part of your soul, are you a writer?

If the answer you hear is, “yes,” then you are. And no one, not an acquaintance, not a teacher, not an editor, can take that away from you.

What happens then when someone stomps on your dream? You simply smile and start writing.

That is all.

Copyright 2004 Lynn Colwell

Permission to reprint granted by Lynn Colwell

How to Promote Freelance Writing

How to Promote Freelance Writing

This week, seven Publicity Hounds have tips for Cheryl Beck of Detroit.She's a freelance writer who wants to know how to drum up localbusiness.

From Linda Barrett:
"Read Peter Bowerman's excellent book "The Well-fed Writer" at

From Stacy Kean:
"Don't think of yourself as a 'solicitor'--but rather a problem-solver.Several months ago, there was a NY Times article about the horrible writing abilities of some in the business world.

"Also, as a writer or PR person, it's hard to believe it, but some people hate to write. Target a few businesses you would like as clients and offer to solve their problems. Maybe you notice their web content could use some help, or they could use an updated brochure. Let them know you can get it done."

From freelance writer Shel Horowitz:
"Your community doesn't have to be local. I have clients on three continents. The Internet lets you identify communities of interest and easily brand yourself in them."
Read all the responses at

The Publicity Hound says:
Freelance writers, PR people and anybody looking for more business canuse many of the two dozen ideas that Marcia Yudkin and I came up with whenwe did a teleseminar last year called "24 Ways to Attract Clients to YourPR Practice." It includes the two very best strategies that have earnedboth of us thousands of dollars in consulting fees. You'll get ideas for drumming up local or international business, staying on people's radar screens, and promoting yourself as an expert in your field. It's available as a CD or downloadable transcript you can be reading in minutes. Read more about what you'll learn at

Reprinted from "The Publicity Hound's Tips of the Week," a free ezine featuring tips, tricks and tools for generating free publicity. Subscribe at and receive free by email the handy list "89 Reasons to Send a News Release."

Create a Media Room on your website

Create a Media Room on your website
You can use a new page on your website, a blog or create a separate website for your media room, but I suggest just a new page on your site, doing this allows the press to be able to look around your site. wink wink!

Items to include...
- Current Press Releases
- Your Bio
- Downloadable file photos (head shots, office, brochure, newsletter, pdf's)
- Recent Articles
- Awards
- Contact Info
- Fast facts about your products, services, etc.
- Recommend expert sources for additional industry information
- Satisfied Clients
- What's NEW in your company
- Etc.

-Allow press to be able to submit their email address to you for further info!
-Make the "room" easily accessible
-Don't make it flashy, keep it simple and clean!
-Provide links to your email, your FAQ page, home page

More to consider...
-It's always good to have hard copies of the above!
-Name the page, Media Room, Public Relations, Online Media, Press Room.


Take a look at how these companies are doing it!

June Edition of The Virtual Edge newsletter

Welcome to the new edition of the Virtual Edge!

So many exciting things are happening at Virtual Word Publishing.

We welcome our new clients -- Tawnya Sutherland and VAnetworking. ( We are the new PR representative for their VA Forum and are looking forward to an exciting next few months. Lots of great publicity will be forthcoming. So if you're a VA stop by and join in the fun.

See our new blog -- -- We were hired to do their marketing campaign. We are looking for installers who know PHP for this exciting adventure. Go check them out!

And we continue to teach at Red Deer College.

This issue of The Virtual Edge includes:

Fine Tuning Your Marketing -- by Diana Ennen

Do's and Don'ts for Starting a VA Business

Press Release Writing

Home Office Disaster Recovery Press Release

If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date on what’s happening around the VA world, you can do so here.

We wish you much success in your business and hope you tell your friends about us!

Great things are happening!

Great things are happening at Virtual Word Publishing

We have added several new clients for our book marketing and look forward to adding their books onto our site.

Book marketing and book publicity is a great way niche for virtual assistants. As we continue to expand our services, we are finding more and more clients and authors who need help in this area. They've written the books, yet they don't know how to get the publicity for it.

Our website -- is now focusing on helping fiction and non-fiction authors.

We offer help in sending out press releases, media kits, targeted e-mails and letters to book stores and distributors, book reviewers, etc. If you have a book, and you want to get more exposure for it, then look to us! We get results!

Several Do's and Don't for Starting a Virtual Assistant Business

Virtual Assistants (VAs) are highly skilled professionals who provide administrative support and specialized services to businesses, entrepreneurs, executives, and others who have more work to do than time to do it. Examples of services a VA can do include web design and maintenance, word processing, meeting and event planning, desktop publishing, book marketing, Internet research, e-mail coordination, business start-up consultations and so much more. This can be the perfect work-at-home opportunity for many with good computer and Internet skills.
Following are several Do’s and Dont’s to keep in mind for starting and operating your Virtual Assisting business.

DO -- Decide on a targeted market and initially focus your marketing efforts in that area. By developing a “niche” in your field, your reputation spreads quickly and soon you become a recognized expert. Several specialties include: medical, legal or business transcription, resume consulting, transaction coordination -- real estate industry, desktop publishing, manuscript preparing, academic typing, e-mail support, internet research, etc.

DO -- Be creative about where you can find business. The Internet offers a large variety of potential for clients just waiting for you to contact them. Actively network and don’t limit your marketing to simply placing a few ads in newspapers or the Yellow Pages. You want to find where there might be a need—and go fill it!

DO -- Write a complete business plan and marketing plan. Too many leave out this vital step and waste valuable time unorganized and without a clear-cut goal and direction for their business. When starting a business you will have tons of ideas floating around. You need to materialize all these and put them into a workable plan of action.

DO -- Develop a website that looks sensational! Your website is often the first connection a potential client has with your services. It must immediately let them know that they are dealing with a professional. Your site must then have the POWER to draw them to you and contact you. Let them see that you value quality by the look and feel of it. Additional tips include letting them know what services you offer and why you are qualified to offer those services by mentioning your experience and education. Be sure to include points on why you stand out among the rest and are the BEST! For example, if you have been featured in articles, radio shows, etc., have them listed with the dates. (See my example on

DO -- Learn everything you can about starting a business. Knowledge is power and the more you know, the greater your chances for success. Look to online services and message boards and chats to talk with other Virtual Assistants operating a business. Remember these are often run by pros who have been in business for years and are willing to share their experience. Find a mentor.

DO -- Join associations that are targeted for our Industry. A few of the more popular ones are and, but there are many others. By connecting with these associations and being active, you learn from them what works and what doesn’t and you are able to post your questions to associate members via list serves often getting answers to your questions within minutes.

DO -- Read, read, read. By frequently continuing to increase your skills and your knowledge of your profession, the end result is a more confident satisfied you. Every tip you get from a book can be a new tool in your business. I recommend highlighting areas from several books and adding them to your library. Keep in mind that you might not use that idea today, but it might apply to specialties you might add down the road.

DO -- Enjoy!! There’s no greater feeling than landing that first client or finishing your first big project. Plus, wait until you get the opportunity to tell someone you own and operate your own virtual assisting business. It sure beats I’m a secretary at .... Plus, when you enjoy your business it shows. Your clients will sense your positive attitude and want to be a part of your team.

DON'T -- Underprice your services. The average virtual assistant today makes $25 to $70 an hour, depending on their skills, services offered, location, and years of experience. Don’t make the mistake of assuming if you charge the lowest prices, you’ll get the most work. You won’t. Instead, you’ll end up working outrageous hours for peanuts! Clients will pay more for professional services. When a potential client discovers you’re charging a lower rate than standard, they often feel they will receive a quality of services that is also lower. You are a professional service and you want to charge accordingly.

DON'T -- Get discouraged. It takes time to get a business going. Plan ahead and have money saved in reserve. Don’t buy items until you have found the best possible price and there is an absolute need. This advance planning takes the pressure off of having to make money NOW. If things are slow and the phone just isn’t ringing ... MAKE IT RING!! There’s plenty of work out there, you just need to aggressively pursue it.

Finally, the most important ingredient for success is your belief in yourself. If you believe that with your skills and experience, you can own your own business, then there’s nothing stopping you. DREAMS DO COME TRUE. SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO MAKE THEM HAPPEN.

Expect Success!

That’s right! Don’t sit back and hope that clients will come your way and this business might work for you. EXPECT IT! Go in with a winning attitude. An attitude that no matter what obstacles come your way, no matter what challenges arise, you will meet them. Not only will you meet them, you will face them and grow in strength by overcoming them, and rising above them. EXPECT SUCCESS!!

Let's look at where you are in your business. Some of you are seasoned work-at-home moms with thriving practices, while others have just entered into the arena. You want what those pros have. Well -- don't just want it—EXPECT IT! Make this your motto. Start each new project, or each new marketing venture, with this new attitude, and with this new motto—EXPECT SUCCESS!! Before long, it becomes second natured to you. You start automatically assuming the outcome will be successful. EXPECT SUCCESS!!!

Now, in starting a business there are some steps you have to take. You'll find the first one is the BIG one. It's the Attitude Step. You need to make the transformation from "employee" or "stay-at-home" mom, etc., to successful entrepreneur. The mind-frame changes right from there. EXPECT SUCCESS!!

Now we're on to some of the business basics. A successful entrepreneur professionally chooses the name that best suits their business. To do this, they visualize that name on their business cards, on their signature line, on the bottom of the letter, with the name President directly right above it. EXPECT SUCCESS!! Now more motivated than ever, our successful entrepreneur needs to choose that all important domain name and gets ideas for their website. They research the net for days, weeks, writing down all the fine qualities they see in other web sites. Never copying! Merely researching. Constantly thinking of what they can offer different and be unique. What they can combine with own strengths and skills to fit into their business that will then be listed on THEIR WEB SITE. They read. They write. They Dream! EXPECT SUCCESS!!

At this point they start seeing that "Yes, it will happen." In their research they have found the organizations, associations, listserves that the other entreprneurs in their field are active on. They have seen the common denominators of those that are successful. They too get involved. They look for additional training courses they need and sign up for the ones they know will help them meet their goals. They develop their marketing, they design their promotional materials. They read everything they can on starting a business. They have their plan. EXPECT SUCCESS!! They see that the future of their business is now just within their reach. They share with others their excitement. And then they await the time they can finally say, I'm ready. EXPECT SUCCESS --- And it can and will be yours!

Surefire Ways to Pack a Punch With Your Ezines & Newsletters

Newsletters, or ezines, can be extremely effective marketing tools for your business. They put your name in front of your potential clients, regular clients, and peers while showing your expertise and professionalism. They are an excellent means to both market and grow your business and also show your existing clients your creative abilities.

What’s an ezine? It’s short for electronic magazine. It’s those e-mail newsletters that you receive on a regular basis. If you are not sending one out now, seriously consider doing so. It can make a big difference in both your business and your bank account. For example, I know one life coach who sends out regular ezines. Lately she acknowledged that she started getting 30+ people signing up every day! When you think about that, 30+ new potential clients a day. Now doesn’t it make sense to utilize this as a regular part of your marketing?

Now the only drawback is to ensure your newsletter is worthy of being read. I subscribe to a lot of newsletters, but find I regularly only read a few upon their arrival. When I decided to create my own newsletter, one of the first things I did was to look at those newsletters I regularly read and determine what it was about them that made me want to read them. What sets them apart from the rest? One of the most important things I discovered was that they provided me with valuable information to help me in my business. They often provided information I didn’t already know. For example, some newsletters provide tips on search engine optimization, affiliate programs, or software shortcuts. Since I’m always looking to grow my business, this information is valuable to me. You normally have knowledge in a given field that others don’t, when preparing your newsletter, think about what expert knowledge you have or can obtain that would interest your targeted market. Now that’s what you want to add to your newsletter.

In writing your newsletter, keep the following points in mind:

Your Readers
Know your readers and what they want.
Ask your readers for feedback and how to improve.
Talk to your readers. Don’t just put information in your newsletter, think about that audience out there reading your newsletter. How do they feel after reading what you’ve prepared?
Your Writing Style
Use short, simple sentences; keeping paragraphs short.
Write clearly and avoid slang or profanity.
Use humor and keep a refreshing tone to your writing.
Keep your tone friendly, but also professional.
Have white space between the paragraphs.
Use small graphics whenever applicable.
Include your logo for business recognition.
Use bold or italics for emphasis, but don’t underline.
Use plain text. (12-14 point)
Entice the reader with your heading to ensure they read the article.
Headlines should be slightly larger than the other text.
Use bold or italics and a good font, but don’t use all caps.
Content of Newsletter
Content is king! Just like on your website, it’s vital to have your newsletter or ezine packed full of useful information.
Provide articles written by you and other experts.
Provide any new services or features you’ve added to your business.
Provide links of relevant press releases, articles, other sites, etc. This gives readers more information that they can review.
Provide case studies, facts not known, etc. Sign up for Google News so that you can get information your clients might not have seen.
Provide a collection of valuable small business tips, testimonials, etc.
Provide a personal message from you. Many enjoy hearing how you are doing and what’s new happening in their life and business.
Provide humorous quotations or jokes.
Contests / Polls / Freebies / Quizzes / Games!! Let the fun begin. Why not include something that makes the reader look forward to taking a break from their busy day to read your newsletter?

The Final Step -- Proofing

*Make sure everything is 100% accurate with no typos.
*Make sure you have permission for any copyrighted material.
*Make sure if you have sources, you have credited them correctly.

Most ezines are “opt-in,” which means that everyone who receives it has actually registered to receive it—they want it already. Now the only thing you need to do is provide them great information that keeps them wanting it every month.

Exciting News!

Exciting news coming up this week. Look for our new site -- . It will feature all the latest in getting PR and getting press releases and will be an avenue especially for virtual assistants to get the word out about what they can offer.

Do you how what a virtual assistant is?

A Virtual Assistant (VA), like many of their clients, is a highly skilled professional working as an independent contractor from their own home. VAs use leading edge technology to communicate work assignments via the Internet, e-mail or disk transfer. Traditional methods such as regular mail and overnight shipping are also used. While most VAs will never meet their clients, it is not unusual to find a VA providing pickup and delivery service in their local area. Many have found success in a combination of the two, local and virtual clients.

A VA’s duties are also similar to a word processor, however, they offer a broader range of areas of expertise and a majority of their work is done via the Internet. In the early 1990s when virtual assistants got their start, that was the big difference from word processors. In the 80’s most of the work being done was done locally for clients and it required the word processor to either pick it up or have it delivered to their home. Each of these had its disadvantages as delivering it required time spent away from the office working and the other meant time spent cleaning up the office and getting ready.

Well once the Internet became so popular and so easy to use, VAs began to realize that they could take their skills globally and work throughout the world. Wow!! For many of you this seems like as routine as peanut butter, and are already acccustomed to talking with people in different parts of the world via e-mail everyday. But for word processors who were used to spending their days dropping off work to their clients, this was HUGE!!! I can personally recall my first experiences and my utter amazement. No more packing up two kids and driving them to drop off work or taking valuable typing time during my day. It was just too good to be true.

Then the realization came that not only did I not have to drop off the work, but I could get clients in other parts of the country. It started getting better all the time. My first out-of -state client was a book publisher in Arizona who was just starting an online bookstore. It took a short time to figure out the workings of the Internet, but many more clients came quickly. However, it wasn’t until I met Kelly Poelker in 2000 and we teamed up that the true power of the virtual word become known. She seemed to know it all so I took my experience with word processing and her Internet and virtual experience and we teamed up. We know have written several books together--all virtually.

How does a VA benefit their clients?

The ultimate goal of virtual assistants is to partner with their clients. By partnering the VA learns all they can about their clients business to become a trusted and valued member of the team —an extension of their organization. At the same time, the VA only charges for time on tasks so it ultimately saves the client in overhead expenses while affording them the necessary time to take care of more business.

A perfect example of a Client/VA partnership is the sole proprietor; let’s say a consultant who charges $400 an hour for his consulting services. Mr. Consultant is spending two hours a week generating mailings, preparing presentations, rummaging through paperwork, and sorting through the tons of email he gets on a weekly basis. Since Mr. Consultant is doing this work himself he is paying $400 an hour for these services when, in reality, it would benefit him to partner with a VA at a rate of $40 an hour and save tons of money a year. Plus, he could be generating more revenue because he would have more time available for doing what he does best—consulting. See how it works? It’s not rocket science but it can feel that way when trying to convince clients that they need you. As evidenced in this example they can’t afford NOT to have you on their team.

In addition to the financial rewards for the client, the following list reinforces to the client what they get in return for their investment. This list is just a sample and not meant to be all-inclusive. You need to customize your benefits and features list for clients to reflect your service offering, ethics, and level of expertise in addition to your business goals and objectives.

Personalized attention

Exceptional service

Experience in the latest technology

A colleague to brainstorm ideas with

No benefits/no equipment/no office space


Knowledge of the latest equipment

Freedom to allow you to grow you business

Pride in our profession

An interest in helping them achieve growth in their business

I highly recommend you getting our book, Virtual Assistant: The Series, How to Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA which I co-authored with her for additional information on this industry. It provides a great deal of detail into the specifics in all the areas you can go into specific to this industry, training, pricing, and other detailed information you will find beneficial.

Here are just some of the specialties that a Virtual Assistant can do.

· Transcription -- Medical/Legal/General (Usually digitally)
· Word Processing
· Business Start-up Consultation
· Internet Research
· E-mail Handling
· Web Design/Development/Maintenance
· Desktop Publishing
· Meeting and Event Planning
· Concierge Services

A growing number of real estate professionals are finding Virtual Assistants to be a good middle ground between working solo and hiring full-time assistants who need desks, benefits, steady paychecks and sick days. Working virtually with the assistance of technology, these independent contractors handle a myriad of tasks for busy professionals, including virtual-tour assembly and posting, e-mail campaign creation, e-mail inquiry filtering, administrative tasks and website maintenance.

“Literally anything can be done from a distance,” says Michael Russer, CEO of REVA Teams, a Pleasanton, California-based VA organization for the real estate industry, and president of Russer Communications. He says agents generally pay either $250 - $350 per transaction or $25 - $45 an hour, depending on the scope of the project.

The following business associations will help you determine how to pursue a VA career:

Here is a list of recommended resources for getting started:

· Virtual Assistance U ( )
· International Association of Virtual Office Assistants, or IAVOA ( )
· Virtual Networking Forum ( )
· Work-the-Web ( )
· Alliance for Virtual Business ( )
· RYZE network (under Virtual Assistants United)
· VACertification ( )
· Canadian VA Network ( )
· Canadian Virtual Assistants ( )
· Alliance of UK Virtual Assistants ( )
· Executary Network ( )
· Executive Virtual Professionals Association ( )
· Virtual Professionals (

This is from my book, Words From Home -- Start, Profit, and Run a Home-Based Word Processing Business available at Virtual Word Publishing, Inc. for only $10.95 for the e-book.

Technical Error

Oops! We seem to have experienced a technical error today.

For some reason we lost all of our previous posts this morning so I'll be working double time to get everything back up so that you don't miss out on anything.

In the next few days if you notice that I've missed something, please let me know and I'll add it right away.

Thank you for your patience!