Sunday, April 05, 2009

Virtual Assistant The Series Textbook Review

We just received the most awesome review for our book, Virtual Assistant the Series , where it was used as a textbook for a program for starting a virtual assistant business. Thanks Randi!
Just received a course evaluation for the online virtual assistant class I teach during the spring and fall. There was lots of good feedback from students and I wanted to share the following specific feedback about the textbook:

What aspects of the course did you find most beneficial? Student response: The book was soooo awesome - very informative!

What assisted you most in learning and understanding this course material? Student response: The book.

What aspects of the course did you find most beneficial? Student response: The book and additional web sites Randi gave us.

The main textbook(s) required for this course was clear and helpful. Student response: Strongly Agree - Absolutely, I will continue to use this book, especially trying to set up my virtual assistant business
Randi Tucker Barr

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