Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year - So Thankful For Everything


I hope you all had a tremendous holiday and are looking forward to 2008 as much as I am.

This year I decided to blog more for fun and inspiration. So here goes.

As I sat yesterday watching the Gators play, I realized how good life was. I started my business when my son Jeremy was born (1985). He will now be graduating college this year. The University of Florida, the Gators. It really showed me ... My business has grown so much and I'm so proud of it. And my family has done the same and I'm so proud of them too. What a great feeling.

Jeremy and I along with his dad spent months and months deciding on a college. We are so concerned to make the right decision. Yesterday when I saw his enthusiasm I knew we had. The Gators lost, but that was okay. I spent the most awesome time together with the entire family. That is so what it is all about.

I had to reflect back on my business too. I think because I started my business to stay home with him, it's a natural thing. Back then I just wanted to make enough money to keep him out of daycare. And now look where were are. I love the Virtual Assistant Industry. I love being able to help others achieve success in it. I love the potential that new VAs have and how even seasoned virtual assistants can grow their business. The sky is just the limit. It's just something to be proud of. To be in an industry that is doing so well and hopefully to have some little part in that. I can remember being quoted in USA Today in 1997, "hire a virtual assistant." 10 years later, I'm in the January's issue of Family Circle talking about the same thing. It's tremendous to feel such passion for something.

2008, here we come!

Diana Ennen, www.virtualwordpublishing,

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